The decision to enforce a patent or patent portfolio should not be taken lightly.  The higher the stakes, the harder the fight.   Before you decide to step in the ring, you need to understand the potential risks and rewards.  You need better intelligence.  You need  Trial Eye Q (TM).

Trial Eye Q (TM)  pre-enforcement diligence is more than verifying the front page of the patent and looking at the claims with the eye of a technician.  We evaluate your case with a Trial Eye – an informed analysis not only of the objective criteria of the patents and accused products, but with the informed view of a trial lawyer that has been there and done that.  Understanding not only the four corners of a patent, but the story and the witnesses that may tell that story is often the difference between success and failure of a patent case. 


Whether you are a patent owner, a lawyer with a potential case, or a litigation funder, if you are considering a patent enforcement effort, you would benefit from Trial Eye Q.